Body Sculpting

Body Sculpting in Windsor & Hartford, CT | CMA PrimaryCare & MedSpa
Body Sculpting

CMA Primary Care & MedSpa body sculpting Treatments – West Hartford, CT

Body sculpting, sometimes referred to as truSculpt iD, is a procedure that gets rid of unwanted fat without the use of liposuction or any other invasive surgical method. This innovative treatment gets rid of fat cells in a targeted area through the use of radio frequencies by heating the fat cells, without damaging the skin. This helps to reduce the healing time and downtime associated with traditional treatment. 

Body sculpting treatment is quick and can help patients get rid of stubborn fat that is difficult to remove through exercise and dieting. Popular areas of treatment include:

  • Belly
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Upper arms
  • Flanks
  • Hips.


At CMA Primary Care & MedSpa, we use truSculpt iD, a type of body sculpting that uses radio frequencies to destroy fat cells in the target area. All that is felt by the patient is a gentle warming sensation, and most patients will only need one treatment. Unlike laser treatment, surgery or liposuction, the radiofrequency used in truSculpt iD is safer. Body fat is typically reduced in as little as six weeks to 2 months. The destroyed fat cells are excreted  by the body. Let our body sculpting experts help you achieve the look you want safely.

TruScupltid in Windsor & Hartford, CT | CMA PrimaryCare & MedSpa

What Makes TruSculpt Body Sculpting Unique

TruSculpt id can benefit anyone looking to get rid of unwanted body fat for a particular area of the body without liposuction or surgery. The truSculpt iD body sculpting treatment can be an effective solution for fat that is difficult to get rid of, and carries fewer risks.

CMA’s Primary Care & Medapa truSculpt iD method works well for stubborn fat that forms in unwanted areas like the flanks, commonly called “love handles.” The treatment provides a realistic reduction in fat of up to 24 percent over a two-month time frame. This treatment is not a solution for those looking for significant loss of fat. If you are looking for a solution for greater fat loss, you should speak to one of our specialists about the treatment that is right for you.

Body sculpting treatment is ideal for the patient who is living a healthy lifestyle. Patients should be over 21 years old and in good health. Unlike laser fat removal treatment, truSculpt iD works well for any skin type. There is no form of darkening or scarring of the skin. 

What To Expect During A TruSculpt Procedure

The sensation during treatment can be compared to a hot stone massage. Typically, a truSculpt iD service takes less than an hour, but can be over in as little as 15 minutes. For optimal results, you may require more than one treatment session. However, most patients need only one. Patients may need to come back for subsequent treatments if necessary.

Our truSculpt iD  treatment is sustainable as long as patient’s continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle afterwards. In order to keep untreated areas from gaining unwanted fat, regular exercise and healthy dietary habits are necessary. 

If you need an excellent, safe, quick body contouring treatment to get rid of unwanted fat from your flanks, belly, upper arms, hips, or thighs, truSculpt iD is the ideal choice. The sculpting process is safe, and uses no injections, surgery, or lasers. The treatment provides natural and long-lasting results. Contact a CMA’s Primary Care & MedSpa location near to find the sculpting plan that is right for you.


The truSculpt iD procedure is versatile, and effectively treats a wide range of patients who may not be a candidate for other contouring procedures due to the treatment location, skin type, fat thickness and skin laxity.

truSculpt iD is painless and has minimal discomfort. Patients have compared the sensation to a hot stone massage. There is no visible downtime after the procedure, and normal activity can be resumed immediately. Although treatment time is dependent on the size of the targeted areas, it typically only takes 15 to 30 minutes to treat the abdomen and flanks. Maximum results are visible after just 12 weeks. 

Moreover, since truSculpt iD is a noninvasive procedure, you can return to all normal activities immediately after the treatment with no restrictions. The specialists at CMA Primary Care & MedSpa will help you know the basic preventive measures required after your treatment.

Treatment time depends on the location of the area to be treated. For example, to treat the abdomen and both flanks (2 to 3 seperate areas), it can take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. At CMA Primary Care & MedSpa, treatment cycles are only 15 mins long. That’s why we refer to it as the “lunch time fat blaster.”

After a truSculpt iD session, your body’s immune system will start to break down and flush out the fat cells that were treated. Everyone’s body does this at a different rate, however, on average, people will see results for fat reduction around 6 to 8 weeks following treatment. Patients can expect to see improvement continue up to 3 months.

Patients typically see results after one treatment, but as with any fat reduction procedure, it ultimately depends on the number of fatty tissues in the targeted area and the patient’s personal goals. Some patients may elect to have a second treatment for final tweaks, or for treatments on alternate areas.

The specialists at CMA Primary Care & MedSpa will determine whether you are a good candidate for truSculpt iD during your personal assessment session. Typically, appropriate patients have a BMI of less than 30. However, most people are candidates for this procedure depending on the desired area of treatment and goals they are trying to achieve.

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