Microneedling with Natural Growth Factors

Microneedling Treatment | CMA Primary Care & MedSpa in Windsor & Hartford, CT
Microneedling with Natural Growth Factors

Look Young with an Improved Anti-Aging Solution!

Advanced Anti-Aging with Microneedle Fractional Radio-frequency

At CMA Primary Care & MedSpa, secret RF radio frequency (RF) fractional Microneedling systems deliver tailored energy to improve fine lines, wrinkles and scars from the inside out. Secret RF’s microneedles smoothly penetrate the skin, delivering energy at various depths to induce collagen regeneration while sparing the skin surface. Secret RF’s unique, customizable features allow us to treat the broadest range of skin concerns and skin types. Additionally, we can apply precisely controlled RF energy directly into various skin depths – from 0.5-3.5 mm – depending on the area treated. We use minimally invasive microneedles to spare the epidermis and reduce patient downtime.

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The Treatment

We combine Microneedling with natural growth factor treatment for maximum results

. Microneedling is an incredible treatment, as suggested by Dr. Tallapureddy at CMA Primary Care & MedSpa. However, there has been a movement towards combining it with other skin rejuvenating treatments to supercharge the effect microneedling produces. Natural growth factor stands for “Thrombocyte-Rich Fluids.” Natural growth factors are extracted from the patient’s blood and contain a higher concentration of thrombocytes, which have a variety of growth factors. Natural growth factors have been shown to stimulate somatic cells to produce more collagen, improving wound healing, overall skin texture, and youthful appearance. At CMA PrimaryCare & MedSpa, we combine natural growth factors with our other aesthetic treatments, such as Laser Resurfacing and Microneedling. We hope to decrease downtime and increase the skin’s youthful glow by combining natural growth factors with these procedures.

Picture Difference


Using natural growth factors alongside traditional Microneedling treatments may improve the scars on your face. It has proven effectiveness in facial rejuvenation. Aside from the cost, the downsides of adding natural growth factors to microneedling appear minimal. Thrombocyte-Rich Fluid helps to make your skin clear and removes pigments. It helps you look ten times younger than your age.


Microneedling with natural growth factors for facial rejuvenation can help to treat multiple facial areas simultaneously. It is effective for different patients, but most of them get the desired wonderful results. It offers customized treatment protocols.


You can simply achieve the desired results.


There is no visible downtime after the procedure, and regular activity can be resumed after 2 to 3 days with slight care.


The versatile face and body treatments offered at CMA Primary Care & MedSpa include:

  • Face
  • Non-surgical face lifting
  • Wrinkle reduction
  • Skin tightening
  • Skin rejuvenation (illumination)
  • Pore reduction
  • Acne and other scars
  • Body
  • Scars
  • Stretch Marks
  • Spider veins (Veincure option)
  • Keratosis pilaris (Keratosis pilaris)


Here are a few of the treatments suggested by experts of CMA Primary Care & MedSpa:

  • It is important to stay hydrated as the energy reacts with water in the skin. The better you are hydrated, the better result you will have.
  • Avoid NSAID medication such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen for at least one week before treatment. These can interfere with the important inflammation process that heals the skin.
  • Tylenol may be taken before treatment to ease discomfort.
  • We may pre-treat with preventative medication if you have a history of cold sores.
  • Stop topical medications such as retinol and acids (glycolic, alpha hydroxy) several days before treatment.
  • Do not apply makeup on the day of treatment. Cleanse the skin thoroughly before the treatment. Practitioners also do that at CMA Primary Care & MedSpa.
  • Avoid alcohol 24 hours before the treatment.

Secret RF uses minimally invasive gold-plated microneedles to deliver controlled RF energy into the deeper layers of the dermis avoiding damage to the skin’s surface. This produces a fractionated denaturing of dermal tissue, inducing new collagen and elastin production. Unlike a fractionated laser, however, there is minimal damage to the skin surface, resulting in a safer treatment with minimal downtime, as seen in the usual practice at CMA Primary Care & MedSpa.

Tightens skin, minimizes pores, reduces scarring, acne scarring, and lightening pigmentation. This dramatically reduces wrinkles and stretch marks. CMA Primary Care & MedSpa’s expert practitioners take special care of safety, hygiene, and ease of treatment.

The treatment is recommended as safe by doctors of CMA Primary Care & MedSpa for all skin types and skin tones (unlike many lasers that can’t be used on certain types of skin).

As illustrated by consultants at CMA Primary Care & MedSpa, this is a very safe cosmetic procedure with few side effects and little downtime. Side effects can include:

  • Redness lasting 1-2 days
  • Minor swelling lasting up to 3 days
  • Minor bruising (rare)
  • Skin color changes (rare and most common in dark skin patients)
  • Patterning of treated skin (temporary)
  • Infection (rare)

Secret RF needling combines skin Microneedling and Radiofrequency, rendering a synergistic effect that tends to signify a much better effect than the combined effect of each individual treatment. That is why we at CMA Primary Care & MedSpa recommend it.

Traditional RF uses a handpiece that sits on top of the skin’s surface. The RF energy needs to penetrate through the skin’s surface layers before it produces an effect, thus delivering RF at a lower energy level producing less collagen stimulation even though effective.

Secret RF Microneedling, on the other hand, uses the microneedles to deliver the fractionated RF energy directly and precisely into the dermis. The RF energy administered this way has greater heating and denaturing effect on the dermal collagen resulting in greater stimulation of new collagen and more effective remodeling, producing better and more consistent results. Its effect is closer to a fractionated laser than traditional RF. It is done using the most technical equipment available at CMA Primary Care & MedSpa. In addition, the micro-injuries induced by the physical needling produce additional collagen stimulation and can help reduce skin pigmentation, which traditional RF cannot do. Therefore, enhancing the effect of this treatment.

Here are a few of the personal observations of consultants of CMA Primary Care & MedSpa:

  • Depending on the strength of treatment, there may be a range of downtime from 1-3 days.
  • Expected side effects include redness, mild discomfort, pinpoint bleeding, bruising, and swelling. You may see a grid in the skin, and you may or may not see much peeling.
  • Using an ice pack for comfort is okay, but do not use it excessively. Some swelling is a good thing and helps to improve the results.
  • To help with swelling, you may sleep with your head elevated.
  • Keep the area covered at all times with Aquaphor or Vaseline. Do not let it dry out.
  • Do not pick at any scabs or peeling skin. This may result in scarring.
  • Avoid any direct sun exposure for one week. After that, it is important to strictly use a physical sunscreen (containing zinc oxide and titanium dioxide). Practice this for a month at least.
  • Using makeup within 24 hours of treatment is recommended, whereas, after a little care, you can embark on with your usual practice.
  • Avoid alcohol for several days after treatment.

Collagen production and remodeling are seen after 4-6 weeks. However, the final results are visible after two or three sittings prescribed with a monthly difference. Most people will see significant improvement after 2-3 treatments. The more treatments you have with the increasing intensity of the treatment, the more improvement you will see. Dr. Tallapureddy’s team at CMA Primary Care & MedSpa tries to bring improvement with every other treatment session.

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